Does the bean animal piping come with? if not does it take standard PVC slip fittings/what size? Also are the lower bulkheads threaded or slip? Better question what is the suggested way to plumb the returns? >> 120 gallon display with 40 breeder sump on factory aqueon stand
" Fiji Cube EOF-12 Low Profile External Overflow Box 1200GPH \r\n The external overflow box is a popular overflow option for hobbyist to build their tanks into the next level. Fiji Cube’s external overflow box features a slim and safe design that offer another solution to perform your tank buil...
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" Fiji Cube EOF-12 Low Profile External Overflow Box 1200GPH \r\n The external overflow box is a popular overflow option for hobbyist to build their tanks into the next level. Fiji Cube’s external overflow box features a slim and safe design that offer another solution to perform your tank buil...
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